Science, Technology, Engineering

I have been science and technology advisor for a few private companies in the software industry, including spin-offs from research institutions.

Risk Management Software

We developed techniques and systems for the processing of large amounts of financial data. This includes advanced systems for computing risk, for selecting financial assets based on quantitative criteria, backtesting, and screening large universes of financial data.

Dynamic Geometry Software

We developed techniques for the interpolated projective and non-convex transformation in real-time of large images, since then featured in the Cabri™ software. Cabrilog is a spin-off from CNRS.

Image Editing Software

Design of multi-layered image editing software with advanced 2D image processing algorithms. The software has been marketed worldwide, notably through a partnership with a Canadian software company. The core of this software represents 200 000 lines of code. Pierresoft was a self-made small software company.

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